Power Brushes for Side Cleaning
Circular Flared End Brushes
Circular flared end brushes provide side cutting action and won’t score the bottoms of blind holes.
Other end brushes have their advantages, but they can’t provide side cleaning action like circular flared end brushes can.
BRM's circular flared end brushes are also versatile and hard-working. Use them for applications like removing rust and paint, cleaning welds and molds, spot facing, polishing, and deburring.
These BRM power brushes come with carbon steel or stainless steel filaments in a variety of wire sizes. Choose brushes with the following diameters: 1”, 1 1/4”, 1 1/2”, 2 3/4”, 3”, or 4”. Use them with high-speed portable power tools or with a drill press.
Ready to learn more about circular flared end brushes? Watch the video below, and contact BRM for more information. Fill in the form to download our Product Catalog!